Security Tops List As New LCDA, Isowopo, Unveils Action Plan

In a swift move by the Chairman of the newly-established Isowopo Local Council Development Area, Hon Abiye Ademoyegun, and her team of council executives, to set the new council on the path of progress, a plan of actions has been unveiled by the regime.

The honourable chiarman made this disclosure in a statement she signed and released to the media on Sunday. The plans seek, among other things, to address essential spheres of the constituents’ needs, including security, economy, youth empowerment, agriculture and youth empowerment.

The comprehensive plan was officially presented during the two maiden meetings held at the temporary Secretariat of the LCDA, Iboropa, Akoko North East, wherein the the traditional rulers of the six communities and party leaders reflect extensively to collaborate and steer Isowopo towards a progressive and prosperous future.

The document tagged ‘Action Plan For Isowopo LCDA’, which discusses the details and the practical processes for execution is presented below, as released by the council.

Action Plan For Isowopo LCDA


The Executives of the newly established Isowopo LCDA, upon extensive consultation with the community leaders, religious and political leaders, indigenes at home and in the diaspora, and relevant stakeholders across the constituent communities of the LCDA, have jointly produced, debated and approve as action-plan and guide for the new executives as we commit ourselves to the job of giving the new council area a solid footing, direction for speedy progress and nurture its prospects.

  1. Security:

We plan to prioritise the security of lives and properties of our constituents and strategically fix sundry security loopholes across Isowopo’s borders. Other security measures include the installation of solar street lights along all roads, regular road maintenance, increased checkpoints, and forest security. The approaches will equally involve regular patrol of routes by security operatives.

  1. Economy:

To invigorate the local economy, the team plans to establish the Isowopo Market at Ise Junction. This initiative will not only provides a platform for convenient and speedy sales of farm produce; and the plan to boost economic activities along the roads.

The regime plans put in place an office where data will be taken on indigenes without employment and plans will be made for a corresponding allowance system or a periodic reliefs will be given to address unemployment challenges. Even now, a platform is being established for the purpose of attracting investors and drawing external interventions in support of the new LCDA.

  1. Youth Empowerment:

This regime recognises the place of the youthful population in relation to mental and physical energies. Their potentials will be maximally encouraged and deployed to create and influence job opportunities. This is essentially for empowerii the younger generation by providing them with opportunities to be gainfully employed.

  1. Healthcare:
    There is a robust plan to improve on our healthcare facilities through the procurement of new facilities and deployment of mobile clinics across Isowopo. Free distribution of drugs for common ailments like hypertension, diabetes, malaria, and typhoid is part of the initiative. Provisions will also be made for both prenatal and antenatal care as well as a bounty provisions for newborns.
  2. Education:

There is a delibrate focus on education, to the extent that the council would devise a means of engaging more teachers to teach essential subjects. Bursary will be given and scholarships would be offered to brilliant but indigent students of Isowopo origin, so parents facing financial challenges with regard to tuition would get reliefs. There is also the plan for establishing a vocational center where constituents will be trained and recieve starter packs upon graduation.

  1. Agriculture & Women Empowerment:
    Farmers in Isowopo and environs will benefit from the council’s large scale plan for arable farming. A plan is in place to connect roads to farms within the council area; whereas tractors will also be deployed and use seasonally to boost farming for increased production. There will be access to the Isowopo Provident Fund for giving loans at zero percent interest rate for women in the various communities with a view to empowering them economically.
  2. Inclusivity and Investment:
    The action plan also emphasises inclusivity, involving care for the elderly, widows, and physically challenged.

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