The World Is Afraid Of Women By Bisayo Busari-Akinnadeju

What you do not understand, you fear. A woman is a depth that cannot be easily unraveled—a bag of wonders and strength, the womb carrier, and the one that births the world. History has shown that women, when in any position of power, rule without favor or fear. The Queen Amina of this world, the many great legends, the female Alafin Of OYO, Efunsetan Aniwura, Rosa Parks, and many more. This article is not about listing names because, as with the many women we know that made the limelight, there are millions more who are the heroines of their own stories. The journey of life as a woman is not only demanding, it is challenging yet highly inspirational. One should, therefore, not be shocked if there continues to be a need to undermine her participation in shaping the world rightly. The world system as we know it has become more difficult yet we continue to move towards oneness and unity, towards the inclusion of women and support that yields positive outcomes for our future.

A pertinent question when you see the people’s reaction to a woman’s failure is why does one woman’s failure elicit so much attention and reaction? Is the world really afraid of women and will attempt to magnify her faults or impute her faults on other women? There are also those who will go out of their way to ensure that she does not succeed and if possible, raise her to be used for selfish purposes. A girl-child indeed must be raised with sense of integrity, pride and confidence in her self worth because nations depend on her stance.

To bring it home to Nigeria where I advocate for more women in leadership positions, I acknowledge that women are celebrated on many mothers or woman’s day but beyond marking calendar days, In Nigeria’s pre-colonial history, women in governance played pivotal and assertive roles, challenging the notion of subordination by actively contributing to the social and economic fabric of their communities. The Yoruba society, for instance, witnessed the dynamic influence of women leaders like the Iyalode, whose significance transcended mere conferment, marking their achievements as formidable milestones rather than mere titles.

In Northern Nigeria, the 16th century boasted a remarkable figure in Queen Amina, whose strategic prowess extended beyond governance to include the capture of territories and instrumental contributions to the economic development of her people. In Niger Igbo, the historical landscape echoes with the honorable mention of Omu, who distinguishes herself with exceptional leadership skills and economic mastery.

While acknowledging occasional gender disparities in some communities, it is crucial to note that, by and large, women were accorded respect, and their voices resonated in matters of governance. Their value extended beyond the traditional roles of reproduction, as they emerged as significant players in the economic landscapes of their respective kingdoms.

However, this narrative takes a poignant turn with the abrupt intrusion of colonial powers and the establishment of the 1922 Clifford constitution. This marked a pivotal moment where the once prominent and assertive roles of women in governance were relegated, casting a shadow over their contributions and diminishing their active participation in shaping the political destiny of their societies.

In contemporary society, discussions surrounding women in governance often evoke a myriad of opinions. While some argue that the world is hesitant to entrust leadership roles to women, it is crucial to approach this topic with a balanced perspective. Isolated cases should not be used to generalize the capabilities of women in governance. This article aims to applaud the resilience and the indomitable roles women in leadership played from Pre-colonial, post-colonial, and the advent of democracy. It also delves into the experiences of Nigerian women who have excelled in governance, showcasing their achievements while stating that women should have more representation in Governance.

The discourse surrounding women in Nigerian politics often succumbs to the tendency of pointing accusatory fingers, primarily fueled by the actions of a few who may not have wielded their influence responsibly while in power. Yet, echoing the sentiments of the renowned writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, it is imperative to resist the peril of constructing a singular narrative. Applying this concept to women in governance, it becomes crucial not to let isolated instances shape a collective judgment. Each woman in a leadership role possesses a unique story, and their successes or challenges should not become the sole basis for generalizations about an entire gender. This brings to light the notion that the world harbors a certain apprehension toward women, a sentiment that is not entirely unwarranted.

The nation till date still falls short of achieving a progressive milestone with less than 35% female representation in the political sphere. Although, leadership is not resident in any gender; however, the call for increased female representation remains a pressing need for both the nation and the empowerment of women who have long endured systemic underrepresentation.

The notion that women are inherently more prone to corruption when placed in leadership roles lacks a solid foundation. This argument falls short because corruption in Nigeria is not exclusive to a particular gender or tribe; it is a pervasive issue affecting the average Nigerian. Corruption is a seed that has taken root and borne fruit across various demographics. It is essential to recognize that politicians are drawn from the broader society, implying that addressing corruption necessitates instilling the right values from an early age. To effectively combat corruption, a holistic approach must be adopted, focusing on fostering integrity and ethical values right from the cradle.

We, therefore, must not lose sight of the impact women can make if given the opportunity. Rwanda is of worthy mention here; their 2003 constitution provided for a quota system aimed at enhancing female representation across all tiers of government. According to the legislation, a minimum of 30 percent of representatives, spanning various levels of governance, including parliamentary positions, must be women. What sets Rwanda’s quota system apart is its unique approach—it did not merely impose quotas on candidates but reserved a specific number of seats exclusively for women, often referred to as Equality of Result quotas. Notably, only women are eligible to vote for these designated women-only seats.

Since then, the engagement of women in Rwanda’s political landscape and government has soared to unprecedented levels, witnessing a remarkable shift from women holding less than 24% of political positions to becoming the first country to achieve gender parity, where women now occupy more than half of the political leadership positions. Despite persistent challenges, such as being perceived as less competent in their roles, the tangible impact of women’s contributions is evident. Notably, Rwanda stands out as one of the fastest-growing economies in Africa, a transformation that can be traced back to the initiation of the women’s representation movement in 2004.

The positive outcomes of increased women’s participation extend beyond economic growth. Rwanda has experienced a notable decrease in its poverty rate, witnessing an 18% decline. The inclusion of women in decision-making processes has prompted a reassessment of laws, enabling women to hold physical assets and the implementation of specific policies aimed at enhancing educational opportunities for girls. This approach to women’s inclusion has not only elevated Rwanda’s standing in the global political arena but has also fostered positive socio-economic changes, reflecting the profound impact of empowering women in various facets of society.

Rwanda’s commitment to fostering women’s leadership stands as a compelling example of effective measures that can be undertaken to address gender imbalances in political representation. On a personal note, I am putting myself forward as a candidate for the position of President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in the upcoming 2027 elections. Currently, Nigeria has not witnessed the election of a female governor, let alone a female president, but my aspiration is fueled by a profound desire to empower the Nigerian girl child. I want them to understand and firmly believe that they hold significance at the highest echelons of leadership, with boundless potential to achieve greatness. I firmly reject the notion that women are meant to be subordinate to men; rather, they are designed to complement and match the energy of men in the pursuit of achievements and progress, much like the dynamics in pre-colonial times.

My inspiration is drawn from the exemplary leadership of Nigerian women who have left an indelible mark through their resilience and unique approaches. Figures such as the late Dora Akinyili, who raised the bar on integrity and patriotism in public service and Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, who, as a former Minister of Finance, showcased excellence and on global stages, embodies the brilliance, power, and tenacity of women. These are stories that should be shared with our women and daughters to ignite their ambitions and instill the belief that they can accomplish anything they set their minds to. A woman fully realizing her potential is a force that the world both respects and fears.

Allow me to conclude with the narrative of Franca Afegbua, the first elected female senator in Nigeria. Her motivation stemmed from the unfair representation of her people, and she defied societal norms as a beautician turned politician. In an era dominated by male figures in politics, she faced ridicule regarding her ability to balance family obligations and political responsibilities, to which she confidently responded, “I will do both successfully.” Franca Afegbua’s story is a testament to the audacious spirit, tenacity, and grassroots engagement that women bring to the political arena. It’s important to highlight her non-power-hungry approach, focusing instead on fulfilling promises to her constituents. The empathy and caring nature of women, as demonstrated by Franca Afegbua, may very well be the catalyst Nigeria needs to advance to the next level and embody the change we aspire to see. As I began typing from my table at the University of Cambridge Judge Business School, I can affirm that women are illustrious, formidable and the world need not be afraid of women in power.

Bisayo Busari-Akinnadeju
Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and

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