I will equip school children with textbooks, instructional materials -Hon Makinde

Hon. Abiola Makinde, the member representing the Ondo East/Ondo West Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives, says he will impact positively all school children with textbooks in the constituency.

Hon. Makinde made the promise during an interview with newsmen immediately he was conferred as Atunluse of Ondo Kingdom by His Imperial Majesty, Oba Victor Kiladejo, the Osemowe of Ondo Kingdom at the Osemowe’s palace on Friday.

“We have a lot that we will do more. Our own Ondo children park and zoo Is there. I will be doing the groundbreaking latest by December. That will be the first of its kind in Ondo State.

“We are still going to do more for school instructional materials and textbooks for primary and secondary students.. We have started and we will not stop.

“Every child, every student, primary and secondary must have textbooks to read,” he promised.

The federal lawmaker, who said the honorary title would spur him more to impact the constituency positively,stated that the less privileged in the constituency would feel his largesse more.

“We have a lot to do for the less privileged and my wife, Dr Rhoda Makinde, initiated the programme and it will continue to go round. That is the job of Atunluse of Ondo Kingdom,” he said.

Makinde said that the honour was an evidence of his achievements and positive moves in the federal constituency.

“I Iam excited. I give glory to God by the title given to me as Atunluse of Ondo Kingdom by Oba Dr Victor Kiladejo . I’m excited and I’m encouraged for what this title has given me because I look at it as an encouragement.

“ He wants us to do more than what we have done. It gives me opportunity to see that the community is paying attention to what we are doing as a politician and because they said that my hard work has paved way for me. I’m encouraged that if I do more, they will come back to say I have done more,” he stated.

The ranking member of the House of Representatives said that he had decided to continue to work for betterment of the constituency.

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