We’ll deliver dividends of democracy, good governance —Aiyedatiwa


It is yet another June 12 celebration, 31 years after the highly celebrated Presidential Election held on 12th June, 1993 won by the late Chief MKO Abiola, GCFR and generally acclaimed as the freest and fairest in Nigeria’s electoral history.

  1. I am greatly delighted to welcome the Chairman of this occasion, Prof Olu Aderohunmu, a reknown scholar, educationist and politician to the occasion of the 31st edition of the historic June 12 anniversary. Let me also specially welcome to this event, our Guest Speaker for today, the National Secretary of the largest Party in Africa, the All Progressives Congress, Senator Alhaji Surajudeen Ajibola Basiru, a courageous, eloquent, sagacious and meticulous politician. I appreciate you for honouring our invitation, even at a very short notice and for being ready to give us the opportunity to tap from your wealth of democratic experience.
  2. Today is a day of celebration and solemn reflection. A day for us to reminisce on our democratic journey so far, what have been our experiences, what are the challenges and the way forward. It is the anniversary of the most cherished day when Nigerians went out en mass to exercise their franchise for their choice leader – a desire for a democratic governance. We, therefore, give thanks to all the people of Nigeria who sacrificed so much to build and bequeath to us this wonderful day. It is our duty to consolidate this great legacy.
  3. It is, therefore, with deep sense of history that I join all lovers of democracy to celebrate the year 2024 June 12 Democracy Day in memory of our national heroes, heroines, patriotic martyrs and emblematic figures of the democratic rule who were at the forefront and audaciously fought hard to give a resounding voice to the irrepressible clamour and undying democratic yearnings of Nigerians.
  4. Undoubtedly, June 12 which represents a landmark revolution in our political history, provides ample opportunity for us as a people to properly acknowledge, accentuate and appreciate the invaluable sacrifices of the heroes past, martyrs and strident advocates of the democratic struggles that culminated in the current democratic gains.
  5. The June 12 phenomenon is indeed a watershed in the socio-political history of Nigeria in our quest for democratic governance, civil liberty and nationhood. The date has been set apart for the celebration of the true heroes and martyrs of the democratic struggles and to further advance the frontiers of good governance. The significance of the date to the growth of our democratic cum socio-political values cannot be overemphasised as it provides ample opportunity for us as a country to review the democratic journey, note the progress thus far and protect the sanctity of the hard- earned democratic gains.
  6. Ladies and gentlemen, no doubt, with the level of our political development in the last 25 years of stable Democracy in this 4th Republic, we can conveniently state that, the sacrifices of the patriotic heroes and unyielding martyrs of the June 12 struggles who challenged the criminal injustice, defied the tyranny and brutality of power by the then military dictatorship in defense of the invaluable ideals of democracy, have not been in vain as democracy has become the defining essence of our political engagements and culture. The attendant priceless values and undeniable pillars of freedom, inalienable rights, socioeconomic justice, fairness and equity and respect for Rule of Law that are globally guaranteed by democratic best practices are gradually taking roots and properly being entrenched in our political consciousness and national space, with fresh breath of visible socioeconomic development. Today, we can say without equivocation that, Democracy is well and alive in Nigeria.
  7. Let me at this juncture reassure the good people of Ondo State as part of our social contract, that our administration is irrevocably focused and committed to prioritising the socio-economic welfare, security of life and property and engendering enduring wealth creation in the State as catalyst for statewide prosperity. Through a purpose-driven leadership, we shall remain committed, focused-driven in growing and advancing the frontiers of the State economy to ensure a permanent end to poverty and lack in our State. Our transformational strategies and prescriptions shall continue to sit well with the socioeconomic realities of our time as we shall strive hard to ensure that you enjoy the dividends of good governance and assuage the pain of the current economic challenges. Because of our irrevocable conviction on safety/security, we shall continue to raise the bar of good governance by frontally addressing the security challenges in Ondo State as this is the primary purpose of government through deliberate policy design to strengthen “Amotekun Corps,” in collaboration with other security agencies in order to guarantee the safety of life and property in the State. In line with global best practices, we shall continue to inspire and sustain the template of passionate leadership, pristine credibility and good governance for the good people of Ondo State through massive infrastructural development and reengineering, not only for today, but for the future through provision of impactful, transformational and enduring developmental policies.
  8. We shall explore all potentially impactful avenues for socioeconomic prosperity for the people of the State. Our plans to develop the Deep Seaport and start exploring our large deposits of Bitumen is still very much on course. We are very much open to offering incentives to attract local and foreign investments into the economy of Ondo State. We shall not shy away from tapping into latent treasures in tourism, agriculture, formulate evidence-based Policies and multi-stakeholders Policy review for actionable solutions for economic growth and social welfare of the good people of the State. I, therefore, seek your continued support and understanding for our
    programmes and policies, having in mind that we can accomplish much more in our togetherness, all in the best interest of our dear sunshine State. I appeal to you, my dear people of Ondo State, not to be bothered or any Challenges disillusioned by any political theatrics, economic challenges and power dynamics. I assure you that this phase in our national life will also pass.
  9. There are incontrovertible evidence that the State is currently experiencing a new trajectory and narratives in socioeconomic transformational programmes, including massive statewide infrastructural reengineering, strategic Human Capital Development through systematic filling of existing vacancies in the Public Service. The significant intervention in public health to bridge the frightening skill gap in the health sector, socio welfare packages for workers, midwifing positive changes in all sectors of the state economy through judicious appropriation of state resources in the most resourceful and efficient manner and thereby engendering unprecedented facelift, wealth creation, psychological well-being and prosperity across the State.
  10. Ladies and gentlemen, this year’s Democracy Day Celebration in Ondo State is deemed special in the sense that it provides a handy forum for the State to inexorably gravitate towards the exercise of our franchise in the upcoming Gubernatorial Election of 16th November, 2024. As stakeholders in the forthcoming election, we are expected to prepare conscientiously and to conduct ourselves with utmost decorum, while casting our votes appropriately, in a wise and progressive manner.
  11. Having been in the saddle, as Governor of Ondo State, for upwards of six months, following the unfortunate demise of my worthy principal and predecessor, the late Arakunrin Oluwarotimi Odunayo Akeredolu, SAN, CON,. I am fully aware that I am socially obliged and destined to pragmatically demonstrate unconditional concern for the welfare of the people I govern. As your Governor, I am propelled and fired by a dynamic zeal for impactful service delivery and I am poised to sacrificially do everything compatible with my honour and dignity, at ensuring that Ondo State grows and moves forward, manifest in better living standards for our people.
  12. May I end this address by thanking our faithful party members, top government functionaries, traditional and religious leaders, students, NGOs and the good people of Ondo State, for synergizing with us in ensuring the success of this year’s Democracy Day Celebration.
  13. It is my belief that, with our continued cooperation and determination, we shall surmount our socioeconomic challenges which tend to submerge our inherent greatness.
  14. Thank you all, God bless Ondo State and God bless Nigeria.

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